Join 60,000+ Successful Students.
Become an FAA-Certified Drone Pilot!

Launch your drone career with the #1 online test prep course in the industry.
Pass the Part 107 exam on your first try – Guaranteed.

99%+ Success

Pass your exam on your first try with our comprehensive training course. Backed by our 3X guarantee, you can feel 100% confident with us by your side.

3,500+ 5-Star

Our reviews say it all – and we're pretty proud of it. People like you found great success going through the course and are now certified drone pilots.

Premium Learning

Engage in live instruction, weekly webinars, and high-quality video-based lessons. Enjoy flexible learning options tailored to your preferred learning style.

1:1 Support with
Success Coach

Our dedicated customer success team is here to ensure your success. We will help you ace your exam and successfully launch your career in the drone industry.

Companies Our Students Work For

Why Choose Us?

Over 99% of our students pass the FAA exam on their first attempt, even though most of them have no prior experience in aviation. If they can do it, so can you.

If you don’t pass the official FAA test despite completing our course and scoring at least 85% on our practice tests, we’ll refund both our course fee AND cover your $175 test center fee. This rarely happens, but we have your back in case it does.

Access a curriculum built in partnership with a Gold Seal Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) and former Chief Pilot of a Part 141 Flight School to align directly with the FAA’s remote pilot certification requirements.

Quiz yourself at the bottom of each lesson, and take our full-length practice tests to see if you’re ready to take the FAA’s exam. Our answer key has full explanations for each question, so you’ll know why a certain answer is correct.

Master the FAA’s test concepts with our database of 300+ multiple choice questions. After completing a practice test, you’ll be emailed a performance report and a breakdown of your incorrect responses.

We donate 1% of our sales to charitable organizations such as Freedom Service Dogs of America, Kids in Need Foundation, and National Forest Foundation.

Email, call or send us a voice message. You get unlimited support for your burning questions. Our course is online, but you won’t be on your own.

We’ve rounded up the most common questions from our students and built a searchable Q&A database, so you benefit from those that went before you.

Use our cram sheet to cement important concepts before taking the test. Key takeaways from each lesson are all in one place to help you study more effectively.

Do you need a completion certificate for continuing education purposes?  Just ask! Our course is valued at 20 hours of online learning.

Whether you learn best by listening, reading, or doing, we use all of these tactics to help you learn. We also have closed captioning in each of our video lessons.

We guarantee that you will be getting access to the industry’s most up-to-date content so that you can have confidence in passing the FAA exam. 

Free Lesson Preview

Get a free preview inside our course to see how each lecture is broken down, how we teach, and whether or not you think we’re a good fit for you.

Over 3,500 5-Star Reviews


We are a test prep course for the FAA’s drone licensing exam. Once you’ve gone through our course and you’re scoring well on the practice tests, you will schedule an appointment at an official test center in your area and take the exam in person.

Most of our students have full-time jobs and take 2-3 weeks to get through each of our lessons and full-length practice tests. It ends up being about 10-20 hours of total butt-in-seat study time. Since you get lifetime access to the course materials, you can work through them at your own pace.

Our support staff is here to help you study. There are several ways to contact us: email us at, call us at 888-626-1490, or click the “Ask a Question by Voicemail” button within the course. Plus, you can go to our Knowledge Base to see questions that others asked, along with our answers.

Yes, we offer hands-on drone flight training classes throughout the U.S. — when it comes to Part 107 test prep, our online-based course works to your advantage — you can view the video lessons at your own pace as many times as you need. 

Yes, if you’re simply interested in ‘passing the test,’ there are free videos and study guides out there. But you won’t find the same level of instruction, real-world focus on flight operations, 1:1 support, dynamically updated training materials, or passing guarantee. We put together this course to help our students both save time and also to understand not just how to ‘pass the test’ but how to think like a pilot and to enter the sUAS industry safely and professionally.

Yes, we’ll cover your testing fee (normally $175) AND will refund you our course fee if you don’t pass the FAA Aeronautical Knowledge Test after taking our course (and scoring at least 85% on one of our practice tests). With our 99%+ success rate, this rarely happens, but we have your back in case it does.

The FAA Aeronautical Knowledge Test is a United States exam for drone pilots looking to fly for commercial use in the U.S., and our course prepares you for this exam. Please check your country’s drone laws for your local rules and regulations.

Yes! Select the package you would like to gift and click “Sign Up.” When you get to the checkout page, you will see a small box with the “Send as gift” option under “Billing Address.” When you check that box, you’ll be prompted to enter the details of the recipient.